
Basic etiquette when hiring a professional Escort, Companion and Dom.

  • When contacting your escort, feel free to provide as much information as you feel comfortable with (such as desires, turn on and offs or preferences). This will help to make your time as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

  • The more notice you give the more likely you are to be accommodated. Short notice bookings are also welcome, but will be considered depending on availability.

  • Your privacy and discretion is always respected and this respect is expected to be returned.

  • Expect the escort that you have hired to be well presented, well spoken and to treat you in a respectful manner at all times. The client is also expected to be respectful and have good hygiene.

  • Escorts are generally not available for casual texting or long phone calls. Please ask your escort if this is something you are interested in including in your service.

  • A deposit is expected when making the booking. Preferably via the Beem app or bank transfer. Always send a screenshot of the transfer to your escort as confirmation, as bank transfers may take several days to clear.

  • Deposit Return policy: Bookings cancelled by clients will be refunded if cancelled before 48 hours of the date.
    Bookings cancelled by the escort will always be refunded fully.

  • Always pay the agreed rate at the beginning of the appointment; an envelope with the full cash amount or an instant transfer with the Beem app is preferred. Other payment options can be arranged such as bank transfer, please discuss this with your escort when booking.

  • Gifts are much appreciated but not expected. Gifts are not accepted as payment.

  • Safety is never compromised. Escorts are STI tested on a regular basis. All sexual activities are performed with your safety in mind and with the use of protection. Statistically; escorts have less STI’s than non-workers.

  • The escort may terminate the appointment at any time if they feel unsafe, disrespected or the boundaries of the arrangement are overstepped at any given moment. You may also be added to a Blacklist in these circumstances.

  • It is recommended that the client make arrangements such as dinner bookings or hotel check-ins before the appointment commences to avoid unnecessary delays.

  • Escorting (‘Sex Work’) in the state of Victoria, Australia, is a legal business.